‘Wherever you are, be there’.

‘Wherever you are, be there’.

This quote from the late Jim Rohn has always resonated with me – it’s about giving your full, undivided attention to what you are doing. So often, you can hear people on the other end of the ‘phone tapping away on their blackberry or iphone – I even see people checking emails in meetings! As far as I’m concerned, that’s plain bad manners.

I’m working with a client who is CEO of a major FM consortium, and she constantly demonstrates what Jim Rohn means by ‘being there’. As soon as she comes into a meeting room, or stops to talk to a colleague, employee or client, in a corridor, the coffee lounge or on site, she puts her ‘phone away, closes her notebook and gives that person her full attention.

Why don’t we see more of this? Are we really too busy to give people 100% of our attention? Think honestly about yourself and whether you do this or not? What’s one small action you can take right now, to focus on the person you are with, or the job in hand?

Coaching can help you focus. Find out more -contact Liz Kentish, The FM Coach on Tel: 01778 561326 / 07717 870777 or email: coach@lizkentishcoaching.co.uk

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