Kentish on Tour

Our world tour in song

First of all, thank you to one of our lovely clients in Australia for challenging me to write a blog about #Kentishontour, based around songs.  As my world time clock is a bit out of synch right now, I’m burning the Midnight Oil, so here goes… Most of 2014 has…

Know your audience

The team I’m working with here in Sydney have, as one of their strategy specific behaviours, the art of giving and receiving feedback.  So I’ve been receiving plenty this week!  One of the things I have discovered about myself, from the point of view of my delegates, is that they…

Life’s too short to make your own pastry

We had an interesting conversation in our leadership journey today about personal strengths and weaknesses, which ended up with somebody quoting Delia (for apparently it was she who made the comment about pastry). Instead of trying to ‘fix’ the things we can’t do, why not focus on what we can…

Are you acting ‘as if’?

Ah, yes, jet lag.  Hands up if you’ve ever experienced it? So, what to do when 14 people are expecting a highly energised facilitator to run a full day of leadership activities, models and feedback.  When they don’t know each other and are looking to you to make them feel…

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